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Create a macvlan network in Docker

If you’re using Docker to manage your containers, you may have run into situations where you need to run multiple containers on the same host, each with its own IP address. This is where a macvlan network comes in handy. On this website, we use a macvlan network in all our tutorials and we highly recommend you do the same. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a macvlan network in Docker, and show you the benefits of using this type of network.

Table of Contents

What is a Macvlan Network?

A macvlan network is a type of network that allows you to assign a unique MAC address and IP address to each container in Docker. This means that each container in the network has its own identity and can communicate directly with other devices on the same network.

In simpler terms, a macvlan network enables you to create virtual network interfaces on your Docker host. These virtual interfaces act like physical network interfaces and can be assigned their own unique IP address and MAC address. This allows each container in the network to have its own network identity, which can be used to communicate with other devices on the same network.

Benefits of a Macvlan Network

A macvlan network in Docker provides several benefits, including:

  • Each container gets its own IP address: When you use a macvlan network, each container on the network gets its own unique IP address, just like any other device on your network. This means you can access each container directly by IP address, without having to use ports on the host machine.


  • Run multiple containers that use the same port: With a macvlan network, you can run multiple containers that use the same port, such as port 80 for a web server. Each container will have its own IP address, so there won’t be any port conflicts.


  • Avoid using ports on the host machine: When you run multiple containers on a single host, you may run into issues with port conflicts. Using a macvlan network helps you avoid this issue by giving each container its own IP address, and therefore its own set of ports.


  • Point other machines to the container: With a macvlan network, you can point other machines on your network to a container by IP address, rather than having to go through the host machine. This is particularly useful if you’re running a DNS server or load balancer that needs to know the IP address of each container.

Creating a Macvlan Network

Creating a macvlan network in Docker is very easy! We will create our new network in Docker using the macvlan driver. We’ll call it “mac_vlan_network”. Open your terminal and use the following command:

					sudo docker network create -d macvlan \
--subnet \
--gateway \
-o parent=enp0s2 \

This command creates a new network using the macvlan driver. We’ve specified:

  • a Subnet:
  • a Gateway:
  • The name of the parent interface: enp0s2
  • The name of our macvlan network: mac_vlan_network

Adjust these values as needed for your own network. 

Using the Macvlan Network

Now that we have created our macvlan network, we can easily connect containers to the network by specifying the network type during container setup. Here is a simple example:

Using the command line

					docker run -it --name=webserver --network=mac_vlan_network --ip= nginx


It’s important to always specify an IP address when connecting a container to a macvlan network. If you don’t specify an IP address, Docker will act as a DHCP server and assign an IP address to your container. This can create IP conflicts in your network if you already have a DHCP server (which is usually the case).

Using Docker Compose

					version: '3'
    image: nginx
    container_name: nginx

    external: true


Common Issues with a Macvlan Network

IP Address Conflicts

IP Address Conflicts: If you don’t specify an IP address for your containers, Docker will act as a DHCP server and assign an IP address to your container. This can create IP conflicts in your network if you already have a DHCP server running.


Limited Network Topology

A macvlan network is limited to the same subnet as the physical interface on your host. This means that if you want to connect to devices on a different subnet, you’ll need to set up routing between the two subnets.


Limited Broadcast Support

Broadcast traffic is not supported on a macvlan network. This means that if you need to send broadcast traffic between containers, you’ll need to set up multicast routing.


Security Risks

Since each container in a macvlan network has its own MAC address, it’s possible for a container to spoof the MAC address of another device on your network. This can potentially lead to security issues.


By being aware of these issues and taking appropriate steps to mitigate them, you can ensure that your macvlan network is secure and functional.

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